Unbiased headline news for Monday November 20, 2023 – Yemeni Houthi insurgents captured a ship linked to Israel on a vital Red Sea transit route on Sunday, taking 25 crew members captive. This incident amplifies concerns about escalating regional hostilities, particularly relating to the Israel-Hamas conflict, and marks a new chapter in maritime confrontations.

The Houthis, supported by Iran, claimed they targeted the vessel due to its Israeli connections. They vowed to keep attacking Israeli-affiliated or owned ships in international waters as long as Israel’s operations against Gaza’s Hamas leadership persist.

Jordan’s envoy to the U.S. is advocating for an immediate halt to the Israel-Hamas conflict, citing worries that it could incite extremism.

Jordanian Ambassador Dina Kawar, speaking on “Face the Nation,” emphasized the potential for up to 18,000 children becoming orphans due to the Gaza warfare. Kawar highlighted concerns about the future of these children, pointing to research indicating a significant number of Hamas combatants were orphans.

In Argentina, Javier Milei triumphed in the presidential election, signaling a rightward shift amid a divisive campaign. He pledged major reforms to address rampant inflation and escalating poverty.

With nearly all votes counted, Milei secured 55.7%, defeating Economy Minister Sergio Massa, who received 44.3%, in Sunday’s runoff. This victory marks the largest margin in an Argentine presidential election since its return to democracy in 1983.

Taylor Swift delayed a concert in Rio de Janeiro scheduled for Saturday, following a tragic incident at her Friday show where a 23-year-old fan passed away.

Swift, expressing her decision in a handwritten Instagram post, cited the severe temperatures in Rio as the reason for postponing the event, writing from her stadium dressing room.

A tragic accident in central Mexico saw the collapse of a 50-foot tall scaffolding during a road construction project, resulting in the death of five workers and injuries to three.

The incident occurred as workers were cementing a large form, presumably part of a highway barrier, when the structure and scaffolding collapsed, causing fatalities and injuries amidst the metal and concrete debris. The Transportation Department reported the collapse in Hidalgo state, confirming all onsite personnel were rescued from the wreckage.

Efforts to rescue 41 workers trapped for eight days in a collapsed tunnel in northern India faced setbacks, prompting consideration of alternate rescue strategies due to issues with a drilling machine.

A replacement drill was brought to the Uttarakhand site on Saturday, substituting a damaged one used to bore through rock and debris. The objective is to create a passage for inserting large pipes, enabling the trapped workers to escape.

A child endangerment charge is being pursued against a woman in southern Ohio after her toddler accidentally discharged a gun found in her purse in a Walmart store.

The incident, occurring around 11 a.m. Thursday, involved the child extracting a Taurus 9mm firearm from the purse, resulting in a shot into the store’s ceiling. The Waverly Police Department reported the toddler sustained a minor forehead injury from the gun’s magazine.
