Latest news headlines for Wednesday December 6, 2023 – On Tuesday, President Biden expressed uncertainty about his reelection campaign, hinting it might be influenced by Donald Trump’s potential candidacy.

Speaking at a Boston fundraiser, Biden remarked, “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” emphasizing the importance of defeating Trump. Despite no visual media presence at the event, reporters accompanying Biden shared these insights. During the 2020 race, Biden identified as a “transitional” candidate, but stopped short of committing to a single term.

Governor Kathy Hochul of New York announced on Tuesday that February 13 will see a special election to fill George Santos’ former seat in the U.S. House.

This election, set in parts of Long Island and Queens, is seen as a pivotal moment in a series of important congressional battles in New York. The election is crucial for Democrats, testing their ability to win over districts near New York City, key to their strategy for regaining House control.

In a budget plan revealed Tuesday, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis proposed eliminating over 1,000 state positions, aiming to reduce the budget by more than $4.6 billion, while preserving popular tax holidays.

DeSantis has outlined a $114.4 billion budget. In a departure from tradition, he announced this budget far from the Capitol, opting for a charter school in Marco Island, Southwest Florida, as the venue.

Senate Democrats are progressing with plans to vote on President Biden’s emergency funding request of $106 billion, which includes significant foreign aid.

This week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer from New York scheduled a critical vote on the package, which provides support to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. However, the vote might fail unless a last-minute agreement on U.S.-Mexico border security funding, currently a point of contention, is reached.

A tragic incident in Portland resulted in the death of a six-year-old boy and injuries to a woman, following a dog attack at a residence.

Portland Police, responding to the incident on Tuesday, found that two dogs, believed to be Great Dane-Mastiff mixes, had attacked the child and the woman attempting to intervene. The boy was declared deceased at the scene, while the woman was hospitalized with minor injuries.

Joseph David Emerson, a 44-year-old off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot, faced indictment on Tuesday in Portland, Oregon, on numerous charges of endangering others and an aircraft.

Initially suspected of attempted murder for allegedly attempting to disable a jet’s engines mid-flight in October, Emerson, under the influence of hallucinogens and battling depression, was instead charged with 83 counts of reckless endangerment and one count of first-degree aircraft endangerment.

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to deliberate on a case challenging the 16th Amendment, potentially redefining the U.S. tax landscape and affecting the federal budget.

The case, Moore vs. United States, traces back to 2006 and is causing a stir from Washington to Wall Street, as it could significantly alter longstanding tax laws and influence Congress’ taxation authority under the Constitution.

Vice President Kamala Harris set a new record with her 32nd tie-breaking Senate vote, the most by any vice president in U.S. history.

After casting her vote for Loren Alikhan as U.S. district judge for the District of Columbia, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer honored Harris with a golden gavel. Schumer highlighted Harris’ crucial role in passing significant legislation like the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act, and in confirming numerous federal judges.
