Dailycast News Help


Content is king when it comes to keeping visitors on your WordPress website. Our unbiased and unbranded newscast and Motivation Radio players can help! No matter what kind of audience you have, our high-quality content players fit right in.

the WordPress Plugin players.

Keep your website visitors on your site longer with your choice of high-quality, unbiased, unbranded national news, Good News motivational radio or both! Our WordPress player plugins are unbranded to look and sound like they're yours! The players are easy to use and works on all devices! Both come with newsfeeds that auto-update each day!

Unbiased newscast player

Checkout the Demo:


Motivational Radio
Unbiased News Radio


Good News or Headline News players.

Both players are responsive so they fit in posts, pages or widgets.
Both come with or without newsfeed!

This is an easy-to-install Wordpress plugin with step-by-step instructions how to get players working in minutes!

Works with Wordpress too

Simple to install

Players are responsive to fit almost anywhere! Just use our exclusive shortcode on the page, post or widget where you want it! It's that easy!


Works with Wordpress too
JUST ADDED! We now include a newsfeed that's attached to the player with live headline updates throughout the day. You can create players with our without this newsfeed using the WordPress Shortcodes.

Works with Wordpress too

Upgrade your WordPress website today and transform it into a hub of dynamic, informative content with our News Player Plugin. Engage your audience like never before and keep them coming back for more!


Choose your player $5.95! or Get both for $9.95!

By ordering you understand that this deal is for ONE Wordpress website and you agree to the the licensing terms of this plugin. There are no refunds. If you have coupon code, enter it in the cart.

Order Motivation Radio | Order News Radio | Order Both