Dailycast | DimeClub Plugin Instructions


Watch the short video on installation and usage.


  1. Download the "dailycastnews", "DimeClubRadio" or "DuoPlayerPkg" zip file from our website OR if you already have the file, go to step 2.
  2. Unzip the "dailycastnews", "DimeClubRadio" or "DuoPlayerPkg" .zip file. The WordPress plugin(s) zip files are inside. Do not try to upload the "dailycastnews.zip", "DimeClubRadio.zip" or "DuoPlayerPkg.zip" to your WordPress plugins. It will cause an error. You need to upload the .zip file(s) INSIDE one of those folders.
  3. Login to your WordPress Admin Dashboard.
  4. Go to "Plugins" > "Add New" > "Upload Plugin".


4. Choose either the "Dimeclub-Player-Light.zip" file (the light colored player) OR the "Dailycast-Player-Dark.zip" file (the dark colored player) and click "Install Now".


5. Once the installation is complete, click "Activate Plugin".



How To Use Instructions

  1. Create a new post, page or widget in WordPress Admin Dashboard. Choose a block where you want the player.
  2. To place the player on any *widget, post or page, click the "+" on the block and select "shortcode".

  3. *(For widgets, go to admin > appearance > widget then place shortcode where you want the player)

  4. Paste that shortcode in the widget, page or post's shortcode field and save your changes then view your website to see the news radio and feed in action.


Use the one of the following shortcodes to display the player / news feed on your widget, page or post:

For a DimeClub Radio LIGHT player, copy & paste one of the following shortcodes on your post:


For a Dailycast News DARK player, copy & paste one of the following shortcodes on your post:



Shortcodes are exactly what they sound like; a code that is short for you to place on any page, post or widget. Just copy and paste any of our codes for the player and newsfeed to show up on that particular post, page or widget.


For code: [dimeclub-light]
that means: The player will be Motivational Radio "light colored" and does includes a "newsfeed under the player."

Here's another example:

For code: [dimeclub-light-nofeed]
that means: The player will be Motivational Radio "light colored" and does NOT includes a "newsfeed under the player."

Here's one more example:

For code: [dailycast-dark]
that means: The player will be News Radio "dark colored" and does includes a "newsfeed under the player."

So with these three examples, you can see how the shortcodes work.



1. To have a player on all of your wordpress posts/pages, add one player shortcode to a sidebar widget and then that player will show up on all posts/page's sidebar. Remember- if you have a player on a sidebar widget, you cannot have another player on a page or post if it has a sidebar player.

2. In rare situations, some WordPress themes may override the design of the news player. In most cases these are minor design changes and will not affect the operation of the player.

3. Sometimes users will try to upload the main .zip file that they downloaded after purchase. That will cause an error. Make sure to unzip that main file and the WordPress zip file is inside that folder.

4. We have limited support for installation support. You can create a ticket here. Please make sure to follow all instructions before submitting ticket.